In most grocery stores, certain items are sold by the bunch and others by weight, and I will be following the same system. I'll have the scale set up on a table as well as clear plastic bags for purchases.
People with computers will be able to check this blog every Monday or Tuesday to see what's ready. I'll make those entries short and to the point. For example:
(NOTE: these are sample prices, not actual prices)
Easter egg radishes - $ 2.00 a bunch
Albino radishes - $ 1.50 a bunch
Purple kohlrabi - $ .75 each
Snow peas - $ 2.50 per pound
People without computers can telephone me to ask what I will have available that week. My number is on the brochure and I'm also listed in the telephone book.
People who have specific questions can e-mail me at
and I promise to respond before the end of each day.
But the question most often asked today was when I expect to be in full operation, and to be completely honest, I can't say for certain. My rhubarb is doing well but is nowhere near ready to cut, and the garlic scapes will be at least another six weeks. I guess the only thing that people can do is to keep checking this blog (have you bookmarked it for convenience?) or put my telephone number in a safe place.
Oh, and yes, I agree, the original font was too small for people to read with ease so I've enlarged the size.
Stay well, and drop on by whenever you're in the neighbourhood.
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