I loved the tag line from the film 'Field of Dreams': if you build it, they will come. My worry is that maybe they won't. Perhaps I'm too far away, or maybe it's because I'm new to agriculture and haven't yet established a following. I don't know, but I guess I'm about to find out.
Hi. I'm Brenda Rose and no, this is not a literary exercise. This is my first attempt at blog-writing, and I've created it solely to communicate with you, my potential customers, people in the general area of Cape George, Nova Scotia, who are looking for organically-grown fresh vegetables.
My plan is to use this blog to let you know what I have planted, how things are progressing, and, most exciting, what is ready for immediate sale. I'll also be asking for feedback and suggestions for future crops, and from time to time I'll be sharing recipes. But right now I want to introduce you to my garden.
In a few weeks, I'll be putting a brochure into your mailbox to let you know what I'll be planting this year, and asking you a few questions about what you might like to see grown in your neighbourhood. If you take a few minutes to respond to my informal survey, you'll be providing valuable feedback about the food you'd like to see.
I am your local farmer, and my goal is to provide you with high-quality organically-grown vegetables at a reasonable price. If you have questions, I can be reached at RoseCottageGarden@gmail.com Or you can just come down the road and say hi, or drop a note in my mailbox. I'm always around, and I'm looking forward to meeting you.
Before I sign off, I'm going to introduce you to my garden. It's asleep right now, but not for long.
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